
dirty beastids




last night some unidentified crap-head put laundry detergent in the bottom of my laundry basket, so that when i put my dry clothes in the basket, took the basket to my room, and inverted said basket, my clothes / bed were covered in detergent granules. why do something like this?

i hate having to share our laundry machines with the neighbors. we can't lock the basement, so we can't store anything of value there (although there are several bike skeletons and a microfisch machine living there). we don't pay for water, but we do pay for electricity, and the other people always either leave the light on all night, or steal the long-lasting (read: expensive) bulbs we put down there.


in other news, i watched the grammys with friends, worked on my sweater (approx. five inches and growing), and spent quality time with tony hawk pro skater 2. that is to say, i watched my friends do so. i am no good at the games that require skill - i can do the fighting games where one's best strategy is to 'mash' the buttons. i like those. and tetris. aaah, tetris, creator of obsessive-children-turned-obsessive-adults everywhere...

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!