
laff! dance! cry!

today's theme is gas. gassy gas. internal gas, external gas. all kinds. the kind that comes from both ends, the kind that sometimes sounds like talking. bloaty, wordy gas.

my eyes are itching, because my cat keeps sleeping on my face. i am not allergic to animals, but i think the direct application of cat to eye would cause problems for anyone. kitty loafa bread is the culprit:

he seems so cute, no? well, when it is seven am and he is trying to figure out the most comfortable way to sit on your eyes/nose/mouth, he is suddenly not so cute. it's a good thing he is soft, though. that part is nice. he seems to be good about the butt thing as well - through all of these incidences i have never had to deal with the brown star on my nose.

last night was strange. i just could not work. it wasn't one of those 'i don't wanna!' screamy kid fests, more of a 'i just can't bring myself to do it' thing. i thought maybe it was because my thesis disgusts me, but in hindsight, i have been very pleased with the progress i have made. i like where my thesis is going, even though i will have little to no time to actually finish it, thanks to an advisor who is on vacation... that hasn't been so daunting, however. my officemate is also going to be on the same schedule, so i will not have to deal with the other kids in the office being finished and rubbing it in my face. i am not so worried about length anymore. i am even less worried about content. i think the biggest problem for me will be the defense - orals. two hours of trying to explain why i did what i did... maybe i can blame it all on dr. dude. but he'll be there, so that might not go over so well...

anyhoo, i couldn't work last night. i brought my computer home anyway, although i did not take it out of my bag. i rented 'wet hot american summer', which is an 80s camp-movie spoof-ish thing, written and starring members of the state. i should note that the state was the best skit-based comedy group evereverever. they were on mtv for a while back when i was in high school. they were fucking hilarious. (shamefully, it is even more funny when one is on weed) also worthy of mention is sifl and olly, another mtv brilliant show that didn't last as long as it should have (i.e. forever). s'n'o is all sock puppets. one might not find this funny, until they start singing about fake blood and doing interviews with the slacker puppet chester. oh, chester, how i love thee. mmmm. to get back to my point, 'wet hot american summer' is really fucking funny. it made me happy, because a lot of the stuff that the state people went and did post-state was not very good at all (viva variete, among others, was sub-par). this movie came out just last year, i think. so go rent it. see it. laff until it hurts, or at least until you get to that laff/cry stage where your eyes sink back into your head and the rest of the world disappears and all you can do is think about how much your face feels like it is going to be eaten by your brain. or maybe that's just me.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!