
ich habe keine Handy

soundtrack: modest mouse - some burned cd that belongs to my officemate, it may be the newest album, or an ep. anyway, i am not embarassed about it at all...

so. nine days left. or less. i am nervous, yet i am stalling, not working on my thesis and instead reading german stuff and playing horrible games on the computer. horrible. my eyes hurt from them. i have a track pad, and it is strange to use sometimes (although i am used to it, for the most part), i twisted my wrist and it make a scary cracking noise. guh.

so now i am trying to plan next week so as to not freak out. lexie comes on wednesday, so i need a shift covered. our german project is due on friday, so we need to get it done asap. i should do work on my projects for sculpture and book class. i should also write those journal entries and self-crits for class. heh.

oh! dan showed me the slides i took for the ektachrome project and they look really good. the shots i did at the us maple show turned out real well. i want to choose some good ones and scan them in, send them to drag city and print some for pat. so most of the images are really rad. i think a lot of the ones i took at the storage area did not come out, though, which is crappy. and at the park. although there are more from the park than the storage place, and it was darker in the park. oh well. i can always go back and take more pictures. i wish i could have a camera like netty's. i need to take my pentax in to get fixed. i am sure there is not a big problem, but i am paranoid, and lazy. it takes good pictures, though, and cost too much money to just forget about. maybe i should get a digital camera, if i want to do the website thing with say.

i am excited about that. anyone reading this? do you want a felt cat? i will make one for you. they are cute, i promise.

anastasia gave me a tarot card reading today. my question was concerning relationships, and the cards talked a lot about transistions and learning from them and being able to overcome stuff and have everything work out really well. so i am hopeful. as far as the transition stuff goes, it is probably all about graduation, and not the boy. that's ok. i am not excited about that other transistion, should it come. fuck.

time to workworkwork on that discussion.


diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!