

sound: manu chao, the raincoats


so everyone here is kinda losing their shit. sterling and i were swearing real loud outside of the pdox this afternoon, just to make noise. fuckgoddamn! almost done! dr. dude told me on thursday that he did not think that i could be done by saturday, to which i said fuck that (not to him).. i worked until late thursday (interrupted by a golf game in the hallway during which i almost smashed a window with a golf club, and microwaving peeps and then shooting them with plastic bb's), and also worked thursday during the day. now, i have some things to smooth out in the discussion, and then there is very little left. very little. i am looking forward to next week. so very much.

right now it is all about taking my time, making sure it works out. that, and i am procrastinating like mad. fucking mad. SHIT! heh. the page race is on, and i am losing miserably. but that does not matter. my experiment did not work, so i am not expected to produce too much as far as the discussion goes.




i have a crush. this is bad, i know, but he is really nice and not a reedie. i think it is just the indie allure. he is actually a CSO (community safety officer), but he was at the will oldham show, and i was talking about the mice parade show that i went to with say, and he came over and we started chatting and he'e real funny. then i was all stupid, talking about chicago and, brilliantly: 'i'm kit. i manage the paradox.' duh. anyhow, his name is mike, and i am going to say hi to him when i see him next. heh.

this is not so good, though, because of the boy. it is just a crush, though, so i have no reason to worry. none. i love the boy, he is the bestest, so soft and quiet and silly and cute.

enough of this mush! i have work to do!


diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!