
girl factor

sound: my morning jacket, l'altra

so. i am embracing my fate. i sound like my mother. i am not going to stay in chicago for long. not even long enough to see a cubbies game. but hell, the sport of baseball isn't going anywhere, and if they ever moved the cubbies out of chicago, there'd be riots, so i have plenty of opportunities to see them play in the future.

for now, there is something else bothering me. i am becoming girly. it started last year, when i finally gave up my batle with shorts and started actively buying and wearing skirts. my attempts to increase the girlyness of my being seem to be happening without my knowledge. ok. that makes no sense. basically, i am suddenly, athte age of 22, drawn to lotions, to the possibility of painting my toenails, to getting myself waxed. for example: i am kinda furry. so i shave, more frequently now than in the past (though i have pretty much always shaved more in the summer, less in the winter). i was just in provincetown, MA, and had the opportunity to have my eyeborws waxed. so i did. my brows are now much neater, my suggestion of unibrow no longer visible. i know it will all come back sooner or later, and thus begins the cycle. but i kinda like it.

then there is my hair. i like my hair. but i want to grow it out. i want to be able to put it up in a casual ponytail. whatthefuck???!!! these words are coming from somewhere, and i can't figure it out. i am conflicted. yesterday i fucking blowdried my hair. christ. i do not know what to do about this. go with it? ok. but i think i like the tomboy in me. i love dirt and jeans. i need (not really) more tattoos. guh.

what to do?

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