
burn, baby, burn

sound: soviet

egad. how stupid can a girl get? yesterday i put in ten hours of manual labor, setting up a booth at the waterfront for the blues festival this weekend... it was sunny and 82 degrees and, the thinker that i am, i made sure to put sunscreen on all my tattoos, but neglected to put any on the rest of myself. the result? lobster arms / back / chest. owie. i plan to moisturize like crazy, but there will be peeling in my future. crappants.

this weekend i will work at said booth, selling sarongs and masks and flying penis sculptures (those wacky foreigners) imported from indonesia. it all has that smell to it, like nagchampa and patchouli mixed with wicker and palm fronds... it makes my sinuses tingle in fright... guh.

in the works: a real website business! say and i and others will sell our wares online, hopefully making millions (in dollars...). now we just need a domain name, and, well, a website... heh.

more news in the bizarre cat world: at about five am, monkey decided she wanted to play. she woke me up with her guttural meowing, carrying her shaky toy in her mouth. i tossed it down the stairs, she ran like mad, mewling all the way. i went back to bed. repeat incident at three am, this time with more enthusiasm and actual fetching. monkey brought the toy back to my room and even retrieved it a couple of times. back to sleep... it makes me wonder how often she does this - deciding to play in the middle of the night when no one is awake, then getting disappointed. is this why she seems so bitter most of the time? should i take more care to be awake and play with her in the wee hours?

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!