
summah taaahme

and da libbin' is eesaay...

sound: T-Rex (again)

this weekend was, well, interesting - working at the blues festival resulted in several revelations:

1.) drunk people will buy anything. even sarongs and cheap wooden carvings

2.) drunk people are surprisingly good at not spilling their beer on the merchandise

3.) if you stand in one place for long enough, your posture actually kind of improves....

4.) if you stand in one place for long enough, you'll probably be in a lot of pain (think going to a long show, standing around, that tingling-then-low-throb-pain in the lower back - we call it 'show-back' in the business)

5.) if you stand in one place for long enough at a festival where people are allowed to drink a ton of beer and booze, you will eventually see a man piss himself. oh, the humanity. all over his sandals, too.

6.) working for under-the-table pay fucking rocks: $308 in five days ain't half bad, especially for doing next to nothing ('here's how you knot a sarong.... that'll be $14.95.... thanks!")

last night we helped break down the tent and were there until one am - soaked by rare-in-pdx torrential rains. i got four hours of sleep and then woke at 5:30am to take peter to the hospital for his surgery - today he had a dead person's ligament put into his knee... eeewwww.... now i must pick up his vicadin and get him movies and ice cream.

oh, and that sunburn - peeling like mad.

one more thing - who's this 'cheapdate' character, leavin' me a note without having a diary, makin' it all hard for me to figure out what the deal is? reveal yourself, or face some sort of consequence(s)!

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!