
ask your ankles

sound: that beta bad mix cd that even my mom loves

still hot, but not as bad today. it is friday, and i am ready for a weekend, even though i don't have a real job that would justify such relief. i didn't work out this week, but i had my excuses. i came to work three out of five days, but i had my excuses. there were also excuses as to why i did not make the little fixes that my car needs in order to run again, and why i didn't work on my resume.

i did not, however, make excuses to not go to a yoga class. i am proud of myself for that one. surprisingly, there were only three other people in the class, and the instructor was really good. she talked a lot about asking your body if it is ok for you to do certain poses, and also about feeling your ribs expand and contract with each breath. at first, i wasn't breathing right and kept yawning... then i got the hang of it, but fell prey to the erratically flashing red LED on the fire alarm on the ceiling above my head. it really fucked up my r(h?)ythm.

i realized that i could have gotten away with never registering for the class, and thus never paying for it. then i blabbed about it to the instructor (not my scamming plan, just that i am not registered), and thus forced my conscience into overdrive - gotta register! gotta pay! crap!

this city is interesting on a geographical level - on hot days, it is much cooler in north east, because of the elevation. on hot days, it is really freaking hot in south east, because of the lack of elevation. on hot days, it is unbelieveably hot on 82nd avenue, due to combined forces of elevation, concrete, cars, and light reflecting off of shiny shiny mullets.

we watched sam and sterling play grand theft auto last night, for several hours. it is a really funny game - not for everyone, obviously, but the fact that you can get money for running an ambulance off of a ramp and flipping it over, that's funny. oh, and all the rest - running people over, stealing their guns and money, etc. for the faint of heart: unless you run someone over just right, they get up and walk away.

the best part of the whole thing: man walks past and says 'hey good lookin'', gets punched in face. heh.

one more thing that made me happy today - small article in the mercury about killing snails and slugs with coffee, which then talked about watching slugs turn into squirmy, frothing piles 'of themselves' when given a bath in pinesol. hee hee.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!