
a flash in the brain pan

sound: new flaming lips

guh. looking for apartments is two parts fun two parts poopyness... peter and i have loked at several boring / scary places. today we will go to a place that has a little courtyard and seems real cat-friendly. i hope it is nice. i do not want to deal with the responsibilities that are being thrown at me - shit, hey, don't forget to sell that car! i hate that car - i want someone to just come and take it away. i want to pay someone to take it away. well, not really, because i'm broke, but the idea is there. grrrrr....

it is almost august and i am ready for it to be september, i am ready to sleep in my bed in a new bedroom. i am ready to maybe take some night classes at the art school, and work full time at the mailboxesetc place. i hope that man calls me. it's one thing to be over-qualified, but it's another thing entirely to be over-qualified and also have a manager who is desperate to fill a position. he'd better call, or i will maim, maim i say!

just finished reading War for the Oaks but Emma Bull. good stuff. rock and roll and fairies and love and stuff. a great quick read. also set in st. paul, land of rock and sex and fairies (or so they say).

i need badly to start sewing and doing things with my time. i am slacking and it is dangerous.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!