

sound: the yeah yeah yeahs

so ready to rock. the above band is playing tonight, openig for jon spencer blues explosion - one more show that i will leave before the headlining band. it feels so good to do that. i need to call people and see who is going....

i am looking forward to the fall, but it refuses to come. it is warm and will be in the mid-70s for the rest of the week plus some. i want rain and dark and all that. i want to be able to leave my plants outside so i don't have to water them. i want to have the cats inside more often (downside=changing litterbox more often). yadda yadda.

i know now that at least one person is reading my diary... hulabelly is a freaking rockstar! oh yeah.

there's not much more news here. chris is finally coming to visit. i still haven't done anything with my shitcar. i had my clothespin tattoo touched up yesterday, and am hoping to get another within a few weeks... here is an image of my next one:

it will be smaller than this image, and on my right shoulder. no black! i am excited for all the pretty-ness and color. comments, please!

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!