
dag, convoluta!

sound: neutral milk hotel

today and the recent days have been good. i am thinking about times in between pms and being called a bitch because i rode my bike in front of a huge van pulling into a driveway. also between freaking my shit over money, no money, poopcrap etc. work is going well, i am happy to be given responsibility despite the fact that there is so much that i still cannot understand. i am enjoying doing inventory of holiday gift mailers, choosing new ones to get, and my indian boss not caring about hannukkahhh, not caring that the company has no jewish designs for their holiday mailers, not even a few blue ones. i am not jewish, but i think it's fucked up.

i started selling things on ebay and tonight made 36 dollars on a pair of rollerskates that are not even the same size (but boy do they look cool, and only cost me fitty cents). i am excited about the extra income of ebay, as well as about two dozen handbags in the making, using rad iron-ons from SCRAP (land of cheap cheap scrap fabric/wallpaper/everything). geometric patterns to please the shopper's eye (s). buy my bags! they are handmade and way cool, i swear. mebbe i will post a few photos to further self-promote.

say, emily and i started a class about children's books this week. i seems really rad (only one man in the class!),and the teacher's name is winky and she is definitely a lesbian and is really excited about the small stuff. we have homework. i drew a cat who is fun-loving, messy, a practical joker, and clumsy. he is way cute, i think. i could not stop laughing at him. i think i will make a book about indecisive cats and how they need to make up their minds about whether they want to be inside or out so their owners will not lose their minds. perfect for libra children, who need to learn early about their natural indecisive tendencies. i would have been better off for it.

our upstairs neighbors are super craptastic right now. we control the heat for both floors, and they came downstairs twice today to ask us to turn up the heat (meanwhile it is 75 in our apartment) why can these hippies not put on a freaking sweater, buy some slippers, and quit their whining? doesn't their meditating keep their souls warm? keee-rist.

tonight we played trivial pursuit and it was really farking fun because we were all loopy and didn't start playing until ten pm. hey hey cheapdate one of the questions was about xaveria hollander and i didn't know it. shame shame. (also, i am not editing my entries, as far as i know. maybe someone else is? maybe your memory is not so great...). also, the roof of a cat's mouth feels a lot like the roof of a person's mouth. next time your hands are clean, try and touch the roof of your friend's mouth (this works: say 'open your mouth and close your eyes' then rub rub rub the roof! it helps to have the friend see you wash your hands or pretend to wash your hands if you are real mean). you can touch your own mouth, but i recommend having a (clean) friend do it for you. the effect is much more stunning.

peee esss, fred milton the beat poet dog brought to you by lynda barry is the best thing to happen to me in a long time.

peee peee esss a spermologist ( or something like that ) collects not sperm as one would imagine but rather collects trivia. trivial pursuit was created by spermologists (or something like that).

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!