
even if that candy is a baby in a manger

sound: black heart procession

food: macaroni and cheese

i took the plunge. i bought a cell phone. my peers are split, some ashamed, others proud of this step. i am excited, i like having the little thingy to carry around, although i am already freaked about losing it. no one has called me on it, but i have made calls. i made the mistake of trying to figure it out on low bloodsugar, and made peter even more annoyed with me....

today i killed a large spider in the shower - it was planning some sort of arachnophobia the movie thing but i made a lot of noise and killed it with the shower curtain and moved the hair-catcher in the drain so that it could die again via drowning in a drain. it was a big mutha, too. score one for me, zero for spiders that want to crawl on me.

another thing today: i drove my boss' car to the airport to drop off a box of frozen smoked salmon that someone wanted to send next day and we forgot about it in the fridge when the ups guy came for his pick up. so my boss freaked a little and made me drive his car because he was worried about getting lost. so i spent the end of my shift driving north and listening to npr, learning about 'bible bars', which have all seven of the foods that are mentioned in the bible as being the essentials (no meat) - made into a power-bar like thing. for nutritional and spiritual satisfaction, that sure beats a snickers. bible bar? what the fuck? only in florida, people, to these things come to fruition.

soon it will be thanksgiving and chris will be here to visit! fun! i am excited to do things and hang out. plus four days off of work! rawk!

p.s. pleaseasaur is the bestest band in the world, if they come to your town see them and laff until you want to die! gawd!

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!