
brain boil on the gravy train

sound: black heart procession, sigur ros

last night was sigur ros live and it was a really moving show. everyone was seated (good) so there was a good view of the band, and they had projections and really well-timed light effect stuff. their music is so raw sometimes, and it makes me want to cry and make art at the same time (tough to do)... it made me want a video camera so that i can film snow falling and people walking in the city and grass waving in the wind. also the guitarist / lead singer played his guitar with a violin bow, how cool is that, and the bassist played his bass for a song with a drum stick (tapping strings, not strumming). i left the show very impressed, and slightly more broke than when i entered (i caved and bought a shirt - they are soft cotton and thin and not made in a sweatshop and therefore very expensive for a freaking t-shirt.)...

my pal chris is in town for thanksgiving, and there is much drama (not really) between groups of friends, and i feel really torn between having dinner with the people i see a lot and the people i see much less. i am learning that my friends are not necessarily my friends' friends, and this kinda kills me. i love all of them but they don't love eachother and boo-hoo things aren't going my way.

speaking of boo-hoo, are you watching this season of buffy the vampire slayer? because you should. check your local listings, and maybe rent the dvds of the first two seasons if you are unfamiliar with it. because it's awesome, dude, for sure.

signing off for now,

your loving monkey typist, who is lazy and should update more but please don't hate! for she is a bit incompetent when it comes to doing things consistently (like eating or sleeping or not spending so much damn money).

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!