
onward! to brain-tree!

location: massachusetts

sound: whirr of large p.c. machine thing

mood: self-deprication with a tinge of panic

dear good god i am the worst diaryland writer of them all. many apologies to those who frequent the page, and to those who have given up hope that i would ever write again. maybe i need to change the look a bit, do something else with my page. motivation, of sorts.

i can now be more dilligent with the photos, since i got a digital camera for christmas. nothing that i put on my list, with the exception of a leather punch, was delivered. the camera makes up for a lot, although i did lose some faith in the whole make a list thing. i spend a lot of time thinking of exactly what i want, i am very specific, and voila, a lot of other stuff appears instead. i guess that is why i have a job, so i can go and get the damn things myself. hussah. i will post photos of snow, and lights, and cats, etc as soon as i return to the wild wild west. i miss it to death.

soon, soon my pretties, my precious...


diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!