
i want a plant that grows without moving

sound: new sea and cake

today it is rain rain rain. neighbor cats scope out our kitchen but do not come inside, my pants got wet on a ten minute walk to the plaid for free icecream. shamefully i ate a whole pint of that shit. i am so embarassed, but i am going to the gym tomorrow to get rid of said guilt. it will be rain rain tomorrow as well, and i think i will walk a lot. i like the time, the listening to headphones and taking in the scene, touching things in secret, like the wet chain at the car dealership by the bus stop. my fingers did not fit in the links.

i am lazy lazy and have not fixed my computer so no photos yet. there are good ones, though! dammit.

i think maybe i will get a tattoo next month. kissy kissy i will give myself a tattoo i can reach with my lips, and i will practice self-love while moving only my neck, mouth to shoulder, mmwwah.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!