
sick sicky sick

sound: the numbing buzz of conversation filtered through layers of snot

dear gawd i am so very ill. it has become difficult to focus the eyes, and i think my stomach is attempting to run away. it is very scared. but here i am at work, wasting my time.

last night we played trivial pursuit and i only got one pie piece, no nautical questions, and a brain block so big it could've been seen from space. rudolph hess kept coming up in the questions (last time it was iberia), and it freaks me how this kind of thing can happen - why so many questions about watergate? it makes answering easier (spiro agnew! rocky marciano! rudolph hess!), but come on...

a-ha! a customer... maybe i should organize boxes or some shit. drool all over them. guh.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!