
ahoy, matey, straws ahead!

sound: NOTHING!

i haven't posted in a while. because i am lazy. when you are lazy many things happen, and then it is a bit overwhelming, and it would take forever to include all the details, so, no entry. due to laziness.

herein is my attempt at including all the sordid details of the past couple of weeks of my life. ahem.

work is like the pulling of teeth. even though i do not work with the crappy james person anymore (he works mornings now), i am still blamed for his fuck-ups. joy. the boss is finally hiring someone (the sign is out) but it has been TWO WEEKS, and he has yet to actually FUCKING HIRE SOMEONE. thereby creating more strain for his other TWO employees. everyone is stupid except meeeeee!

ok. home life is fine. bread had a wound (did i write about that before? probably), which involved many noisy nights of not letting him out. he has since healed, and is sweet as all get-out (does he understand that the hell we put him through was for his own good? not likely). i left town for a bit to go back to boston. it was my grandfather's 90th birthday and there was a huge gathering to celebrate. the uncles made a vhs slide show of old photos and used 'wonderful world', and of all fucking songs, 'memories' (from cats, fer chrissakes!). those are two of the more depressing songs EVER. many photos of the deceased wife / mother / grandmother made it even more tear-inducing, and the finale, a photo of cito holding up a drink, was the clincher. i thought we were celebrating life, here!!! whatthehell? in all, it was good. i saw lots of people who apparently i have met before, when i was 'this big', and hung out with cousin julia who is five and looks seven and is AWESOME. her father told that a boy was pushing her at school and she told him to stop - she didn't push back, she just threatened to. that was enough to make him stop. pretty rad. another day at home was spent in connecticut, hanging out with cousins maureen and pat. they are pretty great, and we went to a bar called the soaring eagle and i kicked everyone's ass at pool. my mother beat my sister, but she wouldn't play against me. her excuse? "i don't want to beat my own daughter." - she didn't comment when i told her that she had just done so with her eldest child. oh well.

i wanted to see godspeedyoublackemperor! but no one else was very interested. lex and i split up our my little ponies collection, and now i am in possession of a bunch of molded plastic. do you remember how my little ponies smelled when they were new? i have really vivid memories of going to toys r us and spending five bucks just to press a pony against my face. oh, and they were fun to play with, too.

a plane trip home and a day on the couch sleeping off the dramamine have left me here, back at work, killing time.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!