
crap-tastic in ham-pants

sound: crap

ok, so i am really bad at this. i can never remember to update. bad, bad me. so, the main thing is that i am in a really bad mood, and even though i am remembering to update it does not mean that i will post a good thing. whatever. i want to do nothing and everything, and i hate my job, i have my shoes, i hate my face, and i hate money. grrr. i have bills, but the tax return is giving me a big, beautiful tattoo instead of relieving my debt. FUCK IT. i want to go back to school. i want to move away, i want want want. i need a new pair of pants.

i joined friendster, and it's really obsessive, but i like it. i have already made a new friend or two. good for my well-being. i need to expand the social circle, spend more time out on the town, or at least not at home, on my ass in front of the tv. i can do that when i'm fifty and weigh a ton. crap-ass. what an uplifting post!

it is surprising how much fiberglass insulation looks like FLESH:

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!