
two timing the cash machine

sound: something like a mix between white wedding and free jazz

i sit here, i have to pee but i will write anyway, with provincetown fudge by my side, keepin' me warm. i found beautiful bling-bling in the peanuts today - 'fashion jewelry' straight from china - snazzy! we donned some of it to the bar, drank beers, talked loudly about dogs and babies and crazy people.

tomorrow i am getting a new tattoo. a beautiful new tattoo. fuck. yeah.

i spent the last week on the beach, and now it is stifling here, in the warm, no breeze, no sunset, no sand. i am spoiled on the east coast ocean, the east coast feel of freedom and lesbians with dogs named sergio. spoiled on the east coast illusion of money and comfort, gardens and families, boats and golf courses. a yearly sneak into a life that is not mine or ours, a life filled with wealth and booze. at least things are not like that all the time. i am glad that i am not there forever, trapped in golfball crafts oblivion.

there is hope for me yet.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!