
waves of nausea

i've got that freaking song, 'what's your name, who's your daddy.... da da does he look like me..' stuck in my head.

last night was full of first times. i played taboo with friends and it was actually really fun, and the buzzer sounds like a failing tiny european car. i went to the sandy hut and drank beers and watched the hipsters try to impress eachother. huh. i really want to go swimming. maybe at the sandy river or sauvie island.

tomorrow is a big day - day 1 of yard sale and session 3 of tattoo. i am getting the flowers done, then the birds are last. i haven't gone into details about this tat yet. i am in the process of giving myself the hugest tattoo in the history of me. a cherry-tree branch with leaves and flowers and five birds of generic songbird shape, it starts in the middle of my back and takes up my whole right shoulderblade and then curves over my right shoulder and stops there. it is very delicate and makes me feel like a girl for reals. it is also the most irresponsible thing i have ever done, as i just quit my job and this is costing me almost $500. holy shit. i have already paid for it, though, so that i can pretend i have the money. cause i kinda do. also i really don't. let's not argue about it, please.

when finished, i will post a photo. only when finished.

my head is sloshy from a bit too much coffee, a bit too little food. i should lunch on something... but what? cereal? toast? crackers? chocolate sauce? mmmmm. toast with chocolate sauce.....

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!