
a lesson on giving up.

it's interesting to see the point at which people give up. when my boyfriend gave up on trying to fix things, and let himself fall into apathy and eventually a lack of love for me. when one of my best friends gave up on reaching out to me and decided instead to get very close to one certain ex. and then, another best friend decides that i am not worth the effort of talking and maybe crying and working through things. i am worth the effort of a teenage freakout on the internet, but that's about it.

and she thinks i have a swollen ego. ha. i am not hiding anything anymore. i do not care who knows what, when, or why. i give up. because privacy is so close to lies, and lies are what make me want to kick and scream and break windows and burn memories. when you say you are going to try, do so. when you say you want to talk , fucking follow through. sometimes just making the first step isn't enough.

these people, they are not my friends. they are not people who care about me and treat me with respect. like a true friend said:

"we don't judge our friends. we help them"

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!