
it's really all about the time i spend here

sound: npr news

i like the idea of a monthly post. i am finding more things to write about and need an outlet. i have met some kids from portland who just moved out here and they are awesome people. real funny and cool and good to hang out with. spent all day saturday with ezra, who is fast becoming one of my new favorite people. we went to the museum of surgical science, ate trout & potatoes at his house, sat on the rooftorp garden outside his bedroom window, went and had coffee with his housemates, watched a thai kickboxing movie called ong-bak (amazing!), split a bottle of whiskey, went to a crazy party, watched a building get torn down in the middle of the night, drank beers at my apartment. it was fun. i am happy to have new friends all the time. that night i had a crazy exra-inspired dream involving a comic-book-style card game in which the players became alien-monster things with long claw arms and gunmetal grey bodies. i joined the game but did not know how to play, and at some point i remember getting into a voltron costume (the yellow one). it was so sci-fi comicbook crazy and i wanted to call e. that morning and tell him all about it but we just met kinda and i don't want to freak him out. i'll tell him about it tonight when we go see ghost in the shell 2 (so excited! yaaa!).

i got a new kitten. he is a tabby cat with yellow eyes and giant paws. destined to be huge and imposing and the sweetest li'l mofo in town. monkeycat is pissed but slowly getting over the shock. i am constantly reminding her that she is not being replaced, only given a new playmate and cool dude to hang out with while i am out of the house. no problem.

in other news, all of my friends are breaking themselves. two weeks ago melinda was riding her bike home from a bar and, after turning to look over her shoulder and wave goodbye to some other friends, ran into a parked car and fractured her collarbone. this past saturday, chris d. was riding his bike home from a party & hit a pothole / crack / rut in the street and flipped over his handlebars, fell on his side & slid for about 10 feet. the slide alone wore a hole in his messenger bag, t-shirt, favorite camera & whiskey flask, and the fall broke his collarbone clean in two. now he and bam are sling-twins, and i feel the need to take care of them like a mom.

i am taking the GREs soon and going to grad-school open houses in an attempt to figure out my future plans. i am dealing with this potential stress by going thrift-store shopping on the south side with pappas and mariah.

to see photos of my recent exploits and new friends and new jobs, see:


check back next month for more fun fun news of the strange life that is mine.

diaryland learn a little archive newest bestest! one of the best things in the world good friend!